Determinants of sports injuries in amputee football: initial analysis
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TRENDS in Sport Sciences 2017;24(2)
Introduction. Sports injuries in sport for the disabled and for the able-bodied have been the subject of research for a long time. To date, however, there have been no investigations on sports injuries in athletes who, due to their disability, are capable of moving on one leg only during a match. The aim of the study was to determine types, incidence and causes of sports injuries experienced by amputee football players. Material and Methods. Forty players from 4 amputee football clubs took part in the study, 18 of whom were members of the Polish National Amputee Football Team. The study included a record of sports injuries that were consulted as well as those that were not consulted with a doctor. Moreover, the Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale and a personal survey were employed in the study. Results. In a 6-month observation period, 111 sports injuries were noted. Three of injuries required medical consultations. Abrasions constituted the largest group of injuries. Goalkeepers experienced injuries most often, whereas defensive players picked them up least frequently. The injury incidence rate was 0.045 per player per training day. Conclusions. Amputee football is a sport with a low risk of injury. Injuries not consulted with a doctor are the most common ones among amputee football players. The study was conducted during six months of Amp Football League. The next research should include entire Amp Football season i.e. preparatory period as well as competition period
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